Dear Food Rescuers,
As 2022 ends, we reflect on our successful year! We served an estimated 1.750 full meals and rescued an estimated 7.000 kgs of fruits and veggies. We were also lucky to have expanded this fall and started hosting various workshops on sustainability, upcycling and wellness. If you haven't attended any, be sure to check them out in 2023! Without your hungry stomachs and donations, we would not be able to continue hosting and rescuing food. So thank you all for being a vital part of the community.

Our events are not possible without the incredible hard work and dedication by our team members. They make sure from A to Z that our dinners and workshops are successful and fun. They also engage with the greater community: finding new partnerships, spreading the name and message of Taste before you Waste and growing our community.
Without them, we would not exist, so please join us in applauding and thanking each person for their hard work: Andi, Ana, Başak, Benni, Calypso, Dimitris, Emilie, Faranak, Flora, Joanna, Zeb & Zoe. And a special thanks to Julia who attended almost every event, and filled in for any role when necessary.
We are constantly looking for new volunteers and/or team members, if you want to become a bigger part of the community. If you don't have time, becoming a patron and making a periodic donation (or a one-time) is also an amazing way to support us. With your donations we can confidently and smoothly continue our operations and show our appreciation to our volunteers and team.
We are back on January 16th!
We wish everyone a fabulous end to the year and the best for 2023! We look forward to hosting you again in 2023. We are back on January 16th! Food market + workshop on Mondays and lovely dinners on wednesdays :)
The TBYW Board (Amy, Gus, Marghe, Sindhu & Wingston)
