Photo: Daniswhara Nathaniel
Daniswhara Nathaniel is the photographer of Taste Before You Waste and has taken many photos to document the work of the volunteers in action. On the 17th and 18th of January during the TBYW food waste exhibition in the DokHuis some of his pictures will be shown. To introduce you to the man behind the pictures, we asked him some questions about food waste and his work for TBYW.
When did you hear first about food waste and why do you think it is an important topic to tackle as a photographer? D: I heard about it in the news. However it did not really present the topic as an urgent issue. It was just statistical, presenting the scale of the problem in numbers. As a photographer, I really like to illustrate the will of individuals to take action tackling the issue of food waste. That it is possible to do more. And that it all starts from you as an individual. Also, I like to show the ‘human touch’ to food. Challenging the presumption food as commodity goods and therefore viewing it only as objects we need to satisfy hunger.
How and why did you get involved with Taste Before You Waste? D: I knew about it because Luana was a friend of mine in University, and she asked me to document some activities. I thought it was a story worth covering, and I always try to help them whenever they need documentation.
What was the thing that impressed you the most during the time helping the organisation? D: The spirit of the volunteers! They collaborate very well, all working for the same cause and belief.
What is your favourite shot you took for TBYW and why? D: (See picture above) I feel like it captures the essence of TBYW. It is all about taking action, saving food from shop to shop, one vegetable at a time.
What was your favourite activity that you did for the organisation? D: Following them to the insides of supermarkets, into the storage rooms. You get to see how much products, still fresh still completely edible, are about to be thrown away. TBYW then tried to save them and collect them and redistribute these goods. It’s not really my ‘favourite’ activity, but an enlightening one. One simply does not always get to see behind the scenes of the industry. It makes me wonder how much costs are hidden from us.
Do you have future plans that include taking pictures of food waste? D: Sure. I would like to do more projects that cover grassroots movements trying to tackle global issues, like Taste Before You Waste.
Thank you very much for the interview Dan.
If you are interested to see more of the photographs that Danishwara has taken for TBYW check out the food waste exhibition in the DokHuis on the 17th and 18th of January or Daniswhara’s work in general: https://vimeo.com/danathaniel.